Monday, December 1, 2008
No Room...
It is interesting to follow His story and find that once He started His ministry there again was "no room" for Him. There was a constant band of naysayers following Him making light of what He taught and the miracles He performed. Only His family and a few followers recognized His great worth. At His untimely death there was just "no room" for Him in that society.
If we follow the lives of the prophets in both the Bible and the Book of Mormon we find that the prophets also found there was "no room" for their teachings to the vast majority of the people. There were only a few of the population who became devoted followers.
1800 years after Christ's death there was still the same apathy for the spiritual truth. When Joseph Smith went to the grove to search for the truth, he came away telling that wonderful experience he had with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ only to find many minds were closed to him. There was "no room" for his experience to take effect. Only family and a few friends heard the message and became followers of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Now, many years since that beautiful day of the restoration of the gospel and although there are many followers all around the world, there is still "no room" with the majority. The great stone cut out of the mountain that Isaiah tells about is rolling forth but there is still "no room" in too many places. While the church is growing and preparing for that great day of the second coming of the Lord, there are many more people on the earth and for the most part there is "no room" for the teachings and for a place in the hearts of men for the Lord Jesus Christ.
At this Christmas time when we have the opportunity to feel the love of the Savior more than any other time of the year, when there is more love and caring because of the season, perhaps it is the best time to show our love for the Christ Child and make sure we have "room" for Him in our hearts and in our lives. Let's make sure that we will never be counted as one of those who have "no room" for Him. Let's learn His ways and live them!!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to each of you....with love, Maurine W.
Friday, October 3, 2008
In May of this year my husband and I were in Boston with our oldest grandson for his graduation from medical school. We were so excited to be there and visit the many historical sites that are available to see. Since then I have thought about the fact that sometimes things aren't quite like we have learned. Several items of interest were brought to light to us about how even our historical information here in the United States isn't quite like we learned in the textbooks or have been led to believe. For example, the midnight ride of Paul Revere wasn't quite like I thought. There were other riders, perhaps several who rode through the night warning the people that "The British are coming" and one in particular, William Davies, actually warned a greater population than Paul Revere....but Longfellow wrote the "Midnight ride of Paul Revere" and so because of that publicity many of us have come to think he was the only one who rode to warn the people that night. Another example is regarding the battle of "Bunker Hill". We find that Bunker Hill isn't really where the famous battle was fought, the one described as the Bunker Hill Battle was instead fought on Breeds Hill which is close by. We also received information about Thomas Jefferson there that would be contrary to what we have always believed about him. We find now that he died leaving behind huge debt and was rather an immoral man, not really quite the American hero that we thought he was. We were told that he cut out of the Bible what he wanted to believe and made his own set of scriptures
(I guess some of us sort of do that mentally or emotionally...we cut out the parts we can live comfortably and mentally skip over some of the things that are harder for us to do or rationalize over the intent). Thomas Jefferson gets the credit for writing the "Declaration of Independence", and we were told that many of the ideas for the writing actually came from others, they weren't his exclusively as we have believed.
This year with the national elections in the United States and the political scene looming over us, with candidates vying for our votes, we are inclined to believe what is out there about them. Then there are times when we believe that the news is quite slanted to put forth someone elses agenda. There are those who put forth their beliefs at our expense if we are vulnerable to believe all that is printed or said. With newspapers, magazines, television, and the internet, we are victims of way too much information and it becomes difficult to sort out what is TRUTH....just what is fact and what is fiction? Many times in order to paint a good picture of one candidate, there are accusations made and many of them quite slanderous in order to sway our vote.
It is so difficult to know what to believe about the war in Iraq and Afhganistan. With all the media information it is impossible to know what is really going on. One thing we can be sure of is that there is far too much killing....not just in war zones, but everywhere. Some of the wars being waged are within our borders even in our own homes and are unacceptable in a Christian Society which we claim to be. Way too many innocent lives are lost every day. Many of them don't have anything to protect themselves, or weren't trained in any way to defend themselves and are victims of terrible crimes that are going on right here in our neighborhoods and around the world.
We are led to believe that the huge debt of war is unacceptable...that we are spending way too much money on the war in Iraq. Much of that money we would spend if there wasn't a war just to keep our military strong and able to defend us in case of invasion. Another fact is that we are spending a large amount of money paying for the education
health, and welfare for illegal immigrants in our country. I'm not saying that much of it isn't necessary and that we need to do what we can as a humanitarian project to help those who are downtrodden and seeking a better life. But, in many cases we are doing an injustice to those people and to the rest of our citizens as we focus on them with projects that are crippling to their best good and detrimental to legal residents who need protection from their government.
I always thought that churches taught love and care for the welfare of others. That love for their fellow human beings was first and formost in the teachings. Unfortunately there are some who do not. In some cases we find there are religious leaders who become so involved with their power and prestige that they move out of the bounds of religious teachings and TRUTH becomes more distant.
I quote a former President of Temple Square, Richard I. Winwood, who says in his book, "Be Ye Not Deceived": "Opinion cannot change laws or absolute TRUTHS. Opinions will never make the earth to be flat, the sun to dim its light, God to die or the Savior to cease being the Son of God".
Things as they were, as they are, and as they will become...that is TRUTH. Living in this generation we much work to keep our feet on the ground, to know the truth, who and what to believe. We must wage a war ourselves against everything that is destructive to the well-being of our human family. We need to firmly plant our feet in the gospel of Jesus Christ and live it. TRUTH is found in the teachings of Jesus Christ. If we follow the prophets of our Savior we will find peace and happiness in this life and be prepared for our return to Heavenly Father when this mortal life is over. This weekend as we listen to our Prophet and the Apostles we will hear the TRUTHS of the gospel. How wonderful it is to know that we have a living Prophet to lead and guide us in TRUTH and righteousness. I pray that we will all heed the Prophets words and prepare ourselves to follow Him...
even Jesus Christ.
With love, Maurine Winters
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Our neighbors have a swimming pool in their backyard. It is just the right size and so beautiful and tempting on a hot summer day. They have been more than generous in allowing us to come swimming any time we want. Well, this summer we enjoyed it so much and one day as we were spending some time in this beautiful pool of water, I started to think about how amazing water is. I decided it was worthy of checking into the information I could find out about it.
Water has been a mystery to me ever since I stood on a mountainside and watched this stream of water in a cool creek beside me during the summer. As I looked to the top of the mountain there was no longer any snow there, yet the stream continued to have just as much volume day after day as if the mountain top was covered with snow. Where does it continue to come from? Another mystery was a time some years ago when we dug a well in our backyard to water the yard and garden during the hot summer months. We only had to go down 20 feet to get to this lake of water that continues to allow us to pump water all summer long to nourish the plants and grass that surrounds our home. At that time someone explained the water table to me, but not remembering the details I wonder again...are we sitting on a lake only 20 feet under us? It would seem so. I'm sure if I understood the laws governing the amount of water on the earth it would make sense. Not knowing those laws it is indeed a mystery to me and a miracle. I know there is a water cycle and that there is always the same amount of water on the earth no matter how much we use it, it goes back into the cycle. As water evaporates into the atmosphere, sooner or later, it rains down and returns the water to the earth. How carefully this earth was planned and it was made possible for all of us to sustain our lives both physically and spiritually if we partake of the water available to do so.
Our bodies are made up primarily of water. Yes, I've learned it constitutes 92% of blood plasma, about 80% of muscle tissue, about 60% of red blood cells, and over half of most other tissues. Water then is crucial to the maintenance of our bodies. If we don't drink some water every day, we will dehydrate and our organs will not function properly to sustain life.
Previously I have read of the "living water". I turn to the scriptures now to explain it. Just as water is essential to sustain physical life, the Savior and his teachings are the living water essential for eternal life.
"Jesus answered and said unto her, 'If thou knewest the gift of God and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldnest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water'. The woman saith unto him,'Sir thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep, from whence then hast thou that living water?' (John 4:10-11) "Jesus answered and said unto her, 'Whosoever drinketh of the water shall thirst again; but whosoever drinketh that I shall give him shall never thirst, but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life." (John 4:13-14)
"But unto him that keepeth my commandments I will give the mysteries of my kingdom, and the same shall be in him a well of living water, springing up unto everlasting life." (D&C 63:23)
Water giveth peace...don't you just love to stant out in front of the Conference Center in downtown Salt Lake City and listen to the water as it cascades down the side of the building on the south side and also to the little bubbling stream, surrounded by rocks and trees. Whether you are standing there on Temple Square or at the beach listening to the waves roll in, or watching a waterfall on a high mountainside it brings peace to your heart and soul. It is so refreshing!! Yes, water brings life to all as we depend on it to sustain our physical bodies. The living water giveth life even more so. Jesus speaks of it as the well springing up inside of us of the spiritual water necessary to sustain our spiritual lives.
There are things we need to do in order to partake of the water necessary. The water doesn't always come to us. It is necessary to pipe the water pump it if necessary, or to arrange for gravity to create the vacuum that draws the water to us. Then we must make the effort and take the time to drink of it. The living water speaking spiritually has just the same necessities if we are going to drink of it. (1) We must pipe it the scriptures, listen to the prophet, attend our Sabbath day meetings. (2) We must provide the pump or our heart and mind. (3)We must make the effort to drink of it. (4) Then we must use it in our life. Yes, water is absolutely necessary to our physical life. I pray that we will make the effort to drink of the LIVING WATER as it is absolutely necessary for our eternal life. With love to each of you, Maurine Winters
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Did you know that through your nose and into your lungs you take in oxygen for use in your body as you breathe approximately every three seconds? That calculates into 20 times every minute, then 1200 times every hour, then 28,800 times every day. Unbelieveable!!
Did you that that as your heart pumps to send the life giving blood out to every part of your body that it pumps at least every second? That is if it is only beating 60 times every minute (it is normal for it to beat around 72 times). In an hour that would be 3600 times and in one day it would be 86,400 times. Amazing!!
When you consider those two things alone one would wonder how any of us live to be more than 10 years old.
Now consider the brain...It is far better than any computer. It calculates so many things for us even as it stores far more information than we ever use.
How about our eyes? They are far better than any camera. You can't even pump a shutter fast enough to record all the many details around as we are able to see with our eyes.
How about our ears? They hear and compute words, music and many sounds to identify information vital to our well being. We are able to communicate with others which is almost impossible without that ability to hear.
How about our mouths? We are able to form words and communicate with others as we hear and then with our voice send messages of our thoughts. Some of the most beautiful music comes from a trained singing voice through the mouth. Also, some of the most enjoyable times during each day are when we are dining and tasting those wonderful varieties of food that we are a party to in our daily experience. Especially at this time in the summer when we have so many fresh fruits and vegetables for the tasting. What a satisfying experience to be able to savor the eating of food. How about the entire digestive system? It is so complex and yet so simple as it provides fuel for the body through our mouths.
How about our nose? It allows us to smell the aroma of everything. We can take time to smell the roses. We can identify things around us by the smell. Then if there is an irritant in our nose or throat, we sneeze. A sneeze starts in the diaphragm and muscles in the ribs and vocal cords. They help produce the power to expel air all in the span of 2-3 seconds and produce an airstream of 100-150 miles per hour to rid us of the problem.
How about our hands? They are the most marvelous tools. We can touch or grasp things to perform a million tasks. It would be near impossible for us to accomplish any type of work or play without our hands.
How about our feet? They allow us to be ambulatory. We can move around freely because of them. Did you know that your feet have 52 of the 204 bones in the body? They are each a most complex instrument that functions to help us move easily and freely about our environment.
The most amazing thing of all is that if we cut, scrape, or break any of the parts of our body, it has the power to heal itself with time and exercize. Yes, the body is the only machine that improves with use. The human body can also compensate for the diminishing power or the loss of a part. A most amazing example of this is my brother's grandson, Porter Ellett. Porter lost his right arm in an accident when he was 4 years old. Over the years he has worked hard at being able to do whatever anyone else does with two arms and hands. He is in no way handicapped as he does everything any other 19 year old would. He has been an outstanding athlete at school playing track, basketball and baseball on state championship teams in Utah. He is at present preparing to leave on his mission to a Los Angeles area mission and I'm sure he will be successful at it. He will be successful at whatever else he determines to do because he uses his wonderful attitude and every other part of his body to make up the total whole in body and spirit.
How long did your last man made machine keep working? How long can you keep a car working efficiently or a lawn mower, a vacuum cleaner, a computer or any other man made machine? Our human bodies point to a divine creator. Even with all of the amazing man made inventions there are none to compare with what Heavenly Father has created for our use. Each of us is unique and marvelously created to fulfill our divine mission on this earth. How grateful we should be for the great blessing of having a body even with all of the imperfections we perceive.
This month because of the considerations above, I pray that each of us will prepare ourselves to care for our bodies, to appreciate them, and to be grateful for the blessing of being here in them at this time. With love, Maurine Winters
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
life are taught and with such beauty and clarity.
During the past several years we have done a great deal of temple work for my husbands family, researching out the names of his progenitors so we could go to the temple in their name and serve as proxies for them. All of Bob's grandparents came from the Volga Region of Russia. For years we had tried to get information about them and hit a wall because there was little information from Russia on the records here in our country. Then we found out about the American Association of Germans from Russia. A man by the name of Igor Pleve at the University of Saratov had access to the records of the German people who had migrated into Russia early in the 1700's and then many of them were uprooted and migrated to America in the early 1900's. We were able to get many of the records of the grandparents and their ancestral lines that backed into Germany. We were
so thrilled to be able to create that family tree and to do the temple work for them.
Why do we do that work....why is it an important part of the work of the church?
In a BYU devotional talk by Brother Millet a professor at BYU he tells about a sister on Temple Square who had just given a tour to a group. After the tour a man who was a minister of another church asked her if he could ask her a question. He said that he didn't want to be rude, but he wondered why she would belong to a church who would do baptisms for the dead. He said that seemed to be such an absurd teaching. She said she would be glad to answer his question and began by telling him that there were many people who had lived and even currently die on the earth who never had the opportunity to hear of Jesus Christ. That for their salvation for the eternities there are certain ordinances that are necessary. She said that it is a loving Heavenly Father who would provide a way for them to have that earthly ordinance. It is an ambitious task, but we are grateful to be able to do it. Now she would like to ask him a question... so she asked him,
"Why would you belong to a church that does not do baptisms for the dead?" In the Bible we read in 1Corinthians 15:29 "Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead?" It seems it was a practice in the temples at the time of Jesus Christ when he was on the earth with his twelve apostles and so a part of his church from the very beginning. A couple who are friends of mine returned from their mission to Italy last year. They had occasion to visit the Cathedral of St. Paul in Rome.
As they toured that beautiful edifice they noticed in the lower floor of the building there is a baptismal font. Above the font there is an inscription that reads:
Latin: "CUM BAPTISM VM IN MORTEM".....when interpreted it means, "Else why do we baptize for the dead?" This fount was used for many years...the water line is still visible on the walls.
If we read the scriptures properly and then deduct that many plain and precious truths were apparently lost from the early church...we realize there was indeed a need for a restoration of all of the teachings of Christ. ....yes a restitution of all things as we read in Acts 3:19-21 "Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord; And he shall send Jesus Christ which before was preached unto you. Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of his holy prophets since the world began."
Following is part of a poem written when the Seattle Temple was dedicated:
Today I attended the Seattle Temple dedication and felt the peace that reigns there, The beautiful music and the ceremony thrilled me beyond compare. My heart was full of gratitude as I committed my stride to lengthen, I'll visit the temple often to do the work and my testimony strengthen.I felt the love of my Savior, it filled the very air, It made me desire a better life, and gave me the courage to dare. Oh, Father in Heaven in common hours help me remember the feelings of this day, so I may perform my life's deeds in a pleasing and exemplary way. Yes, I want to serve Heavenly Father, not just be a member in name,Today was a day of dedication for the temple and for was the same. There are a greater number of temples in the world today than there ever has been.The latest church news stated that the church now has 127 operating temples around the world with more under construction. What a great blessing they are to us and to everyone who ever lived on the earth.
This month my message is to encourage you to prepare to go to the temple if possible and whenever possible to receive the blessings that await you there.
With love, Maurine Winters
Monday, June 30, 2008
We will no longer use FeedBlitz Service
We decided that we will no longer use FeedBlitz service for our newsletters in the future. All new newsletters will be send by regular email by Maurine from now on.
So please come back often and read our blog posts.
Do not forget to check out our new look on our website:
Thank you.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Then he would go on to tell her what she needed to improve on or help the girls do so they could be successful. It became a point of humor in the family as we would gather for different occasions and the last part of the season.
She would say, "Okay, Dad, what is the key this week?" Then one night as we were attending an-other school function, a few of Mindi's team members were sitting behind us and one of them leaned forward and asked, "Mr. Winters, what is the key for us this week?" In thinking about keys for different things, I was struck with the fact that it is important that we have the keys for whatever goal we are pursuing.
Keys are necessary if we expect to open the locks, and open the doors to achieve success.
It is my testimony that the Church of Jesus Christ of LDS is successful because the Priesthood is here on the earth which holds all the keys for our success throughout eternity of which this earthly experience is a part.
Those who hold the Priesthood hold the keys to all of the ordinances that need to be performed. Joseph Smith and his associates received the keys for the Aaronic and Melchizedec Priesthoods from John the Baptist,
Peter, James, & John and they have been carefully handed down to the present Prophet, Thomas S. Monson and his associates: the members of the First Presidency and the Twelve Apostles in order to carry out all of the functions necessary for the church to go forward toward its goal, that of preparing for the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Baptism is the key to entering the kingdom of God on the earth and in heaven. Following baptism we receive the confirmation of the Holy Ghost...another key to help us in continuing our journey as a Latter Day Saint. Entering the temple is another key as we receive our endowments and make sacred promises to the Lord.
There are blessings surrounding every step we take. Education is an important key in order to live a productive life and be able to be of service to others.
There are keys necessary for us to observe in order to be successful in our day to day affairs.
One key I like is an acronym: JOY
J - Jesus first, O - others second, Y - yourself last.
President Hinckley gave the youth some keys when he told them how to be:
He counseled them to (1) Be grateful, (2) Be smart, (3) Be humble, (4) Be true, (5) Be clean, (6) Be prayerful.
Wilfred Peterson wrote the Art of Growing Up. His keys are wonderfully written to give us a guide for being successful. He says UP is the magic word of growth. Use it as a key in growing into the person you want to be.
Get up - in the morning with the determination to make the most of your day.
Step up - to each task with enthusiasm and dedication.
Stand up - to your problems and difficulties. Face them and lick them.
Think up - There is an upper level in your mind, live in that.
Keep up - It is easier to keep up than catch up with duties.
Brace up -Tighten your belt and keep moving forward even when the going gets tough.
Cheer up - The worst thing that can happen to you can be the best thing that can happen to you if you don't let it get the best of you.
Climb up - The ladder of success reaches upward rung by rung,but you must do the climbing.
Stretch up - Stretch your hand to others. Remember that he climbs highest who helps another up.
Measure up - Much is required of you today. Meet the challenge of the times by doing your full share for the common good.
Bounce up - When you fall down, bounce up. Everyone fails and falls down now and then. Quitters just lie there. Heroes have bounce.
Look up - Remember the words of the Psalmist: "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help." Look to God for inspiration and guidance.
Reach up -Keep stretching your mind and spirit. Don't wait to become a great one now.
Live up - Live to the highest and the best you know. Consider how a tree lifts its branches to the sky.
The only way to grow is UP.
My prayer this month is that we all recognize keys that will help unlock the doors to successful living. That we may receive the blessings Heavenly Father has for us by enjoying the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
With love to each of you, Maurine Winters
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Recently, our grand-daughter, Staci Larsen, had a new baby girl...she wrote: There's nothing like the feeling of having a new baby in our home." What a great blessing for the baby coming to that home, and to have such a good mother.
We have had some beautiful entries to the request for tributes to mothers. Following are excerpts from them:
To my Mom:
Mothers are a cherished gift from God; a chosen steward over His beloved earthly children. Our Father in Heaven bestowed this divine responsibility to the most precious of His children. He understood well the hardships and happiness of parenting and blessed each of His daughters with unique divine gifts and talents; the capacity to love and to forgive, to teach and to learn, and to lead and to follow.
My mother is a very special person, chosen and prepared by our Heavenly Father to teach and nurture our family here on earth. Her greatest divine gift is the gift of unconditional love, and her ability to portray that love in magnificent ways to those she surrounds herself with. She has unselfishly and willingly showed her love to each member of our family. It was through her actions and quiet example that I first understood the love of God.
I felt it at a time in my life when I needed it most, when I was struggling to understand who I was as a child of God. She gently took me by the hand and we sat together as she tearfully read from her journal the feelings that she had when she held me for the first time.
I see it each day in service and sacrifice, helping others perform daily tasks that are unable to do so, and easing the burdens of her friends and family by sharing their hardships.
Each time I pray I thank my Father in Heaven for the little piece of heaven that He has shown me and pray for her that she too may know how much she is loved and appreciated.
I love you.

Shanon Stimpson writes,
From the first of her children to the youngest, my mother worked with all the diligence and faith of her might, mind, and strength, and her heart to ensure their lives would be guided in such a manner that would lead them to achieve their goals.
She nurtured them with love and compassion.
She taught them and led them by example in principles and values of every virtue.
Above all she taught them to love their Father in Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ, to seek them through prayer and scripture study and trust them in all things, and to listen always for the still small voice of the Holy Ghost.
In my mother's live the word 'honesty' needs no modification. She lives the letter of the law with all the warmth and love of the spirit of the law. She continues to strive to be faithful in all things as a living example to her six children and now her grandchildren. In the smile you see on her face, you can see the happiness that is alive in her heart. She wishes to share each precious moment...just with you.
Marie Adams writes,
I am so thankful to have such a wonderful mother. She has always been the best example to me. She is a person who always thinks of others.
The #1 person in her life is my Dad, and she has always been his biggest cheerleader. She has always cared about her family first. Yet, my parents have always brought other people into our home to live when they needed help. When me and my brother, the oldest two in the family were in grade school my Mom taught school. When we got home from school and she wasn't there yet we hated it. We wanted her home! So after a year or so of teaching, she did stay home.
I think back on that and how selfish we were as kids, but it was wonderful to have our Mom at home and all of our friends loved coming to visit there.
I want to say 'Happy Mother's Day' to the world's best Mom.
Marcia Stauffer writes:
How grateful I am to have such a wonderful mother! (Lily Jean Lott)
My mother taught me by example. She showed me by the way she lived who I should try to be.
She has supported Dad in his callings without complaint at the added responsibilities. Her faith is strong and deep. Right and wrong are black and white.
My mother is intelligent. She taught us the value of knowledge and education and the importance of being well-read.
My mother chose a wonderful partner (my father) and showed me how important it is to choose wisely (I did!).
Nothing is more important to her than her family.
I guess my mother is STILL teaching me by example and showing me the person I want to become.
Michael Ellett writes:
My mother...Who is she?
Kristina Law writes,
Happy Mother's day mom! I love you and I am so grateful that you are my mother. You are amazing and I hope to share all the wonderful things of my life with you forever.
Love you.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
We will also pick two stories and send out one of Maurine's Books, Angels on Temple Square and Missionary Moments on Temple Square, as a MOTHER'S DAY PRESENT, free of charge to you!
The Deadline for this event is MAY 9th. Please send all emails to with MOTHER'S DAY as Subject.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
He is Risen!

The following are excerpts from the Easter Sunday past talks given by Lloyd D. Newell for the Spoken Word.
"He is risen and what of us? The great glad tidings of Easter proclaim, "He is risen!" Throughout the Christian world, bells ring joyously and congregations sing the good word 'Christ the Lord is risen today!'
Perhaps amid the solemn festivities, we might pause to ask: 'And what of us?' Have we risen to a fullness of joy in the Easter message? The blessings that arise from the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ are many. But some in particular swell faithful hearts to overflowing. The resurrection of the Savior...and the promise that goes with it, calms the haunting fear of death that all mankind experiences. Believers accept the words of Jesus Christ, who said, 'I am the resurrection, and the life, he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.' The apostle Paul explained this truth carefully in his epistle to the faithful of Corinth; 'For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.'
Because of the resurrection, all humanity shall one day arise from death, even as Jesus rose from His tomb two thousand years ago. It is not only the assurance of everlasting life in the hereafter which brings joy. In the here and now, the Atonement gives hope, day by day, that men and women can conquer inner weaknesses and failings to become whole and happy...
...President Gordon B. Hinckley said of the resurrection; 'As surely as there has been mortal death, there will be immortal life; and as certainly as there has been separation, there will be reunion. This is the faith which comes of Christ, who brought to all the promise of immortality.
With this promise comes the assurance that each one of us born into this mortal realm will one day receive the blessings of an immortal soul, as our spirit and body are reunited through the miracle of the resurrection. And combined with this miracle is the even greater gift given to all who seek to know the will of God and who then strive to live by His words, the promise of His atonement and the richness of eternal life. Such are the miracles attested to by a solitary angel who stood before an empty tomb and declared; He is not here, He is risen".
It is such a privilege to have the gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives. It is wonderful to know the great plan of salvation...of happiness. As we enjoy the Easter season and think of the meaning of the Savior's life and what it brings to our lives, it follows that we need to open our mouths to share the gospel with every brother and sister we are associated with who aren't members of His church here on earth today.
At this beautiful time of the year. At the beginning of the renewal of the earth in our hemisphere and as we celebrate the resurrection of the Savior, let's each count our blessings and plan how we can share the gospel with someone. We need to hasten the second coming of Jesus Christ by spreading His gospel.
With this note, we send our love and good wishes to you at this Easter time.
Love Maurine Winters and Kristina Law.
Saturday, March 1, 2008

Again this month I would like to ponder the influence of a great prophet, President Gordon B. Hinckley. He was such a humble, sweet, kind man. He never drew attention to himself, but was always hard at work to extend a helping hand to improve the station of all men. He worked tirelessly to further the teachings of Jesus Christ and to make it possible for men everywhere to enjoy the blessings of the gospel. He was certainly a worthy example to each of us of what ONE man can be when he dedicates his life to doing good. We are so grateful for life's lessons he passed on during his time here on earth.
Maurine Winters
*Photograph of Mt. Timpanogos Temple in Springtime Copyright (C) 2007 Jared Law All Rights Reserved
Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The new world leader of the Church has called to serve with him in the First Presidency, President Henry B. Eyring, 74, first counselor, and President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, 67, second counselor.
It is wonderful to see our church go forward. We are so privilegded to be led by a living prophet in our days. It is wonderful to be a part of this church in these latter days.
Responding to a reporter’s question about the Church’s openness in working with other churches and groups, President Monson said: “We should not be sequestered in a little cage. We should eliminate the weakness of the one standing alone and substitute it with the strength of working together to make this a better world.”
Sunday, February 3, 2008

1989 - Ralph Bradley
1991 - Robert B Harbertson
1993 - Joseph M. McPhie
1995 - Robert C. Witt
1997 - Lowell M. Snow
1999 - Richard I Winwood
2001 - M. Garfield Cook
2003 - Arlen Crouch
2005 - Milo LeBaron
President Joseph M. McPhie: "... In a year so full of historic, dramatic milestones it would be difficult to say which miracle was the greatest, there were so many. But, probably the greatest of all miracles was the magnificent spirit of the special missionaries called to Temple Square for this particular year, to meet these incredible challenges and do the things the Lord wanted done. As always, when in the service of the Lord the blessings far surpass the challenges. We, who had the privilege of serving on Temple Square in 1993 have been rewarded with possibly the most memorable year of our lives..."
President Robert C. Witt: "...The Temple Square Mission is absolutely unique and wonderful. It is the smallest mission in the Church geographically, and probably the largest, in terms of missionaries. And it is so unique, in that virtually all of the missionaries see each other every day. And they see their mission president every day. Temple Square is known for its beautiful buildings, gardens, and music. But in our minds and heart, and in our memories, it is the missionary association that made it so special for us..."
President Lowell M. Snow: "...Sometimes we find ourselves in a place that doesn't seem to be a part of this world...a place where our thoughts are clearer, reality easier to grasp, and heaven a little bit closer. For many, Temple Square is such a place. We have always stood in awe of this marvelous place. It is a bit of heaven on earth. We thank God for the privilege of serving His children here for a season. We were so grateful to be asked to serve in this little corner of His vineyard, working daily in the shadow of the Great Temple that represents His love and the way back to Him..."
President Richard I. Winwood: "...What a pleasure it was to serve with the sister missionaries on Temple Square. Each of them were sent at this time for a divine purpose with their own Divine Magnetism for those who they could teach. We were amazed at the rich and sacred trust placed in us. How we loved those sisters! We claimed them as our daughters. We were not immune to their Divine Magnetism. We were honored to be in the service of our Heavenly Father with them..."
President M. Garfield Cook: "...For Sister Cook and me, Temple Square is the realization of our ancestors dreams, sacrifice and hard work. We both have pioneer grandparents who left all they had to settle here. They were part of the generation that made the desert blossom as the rose. Our primary focus is to discuss the history of Temple Square and to share some of our basic beliefs as members of the Church. We know that many will leave here with a desire to learn more and there will continue to those whose lives will be forever changed and blessed as a result of their visit to Temple Square. How grateful we are to be a part of this great work..."
For full interviews with the Past Mission Presidents please refer to "Angels on Temple Square" by Joyce K. Goodrich and Maurine E. Winters.
Friday, February 1, 2008

Here are some comments that visitors wrote after having a tour with sister missionaries:
TEXAS (Presbyterian) The tour was wonderful. It stirred up all my emotions and love of Christ.
ILLINOIS (Unitarian) Temple Square is very impressive: facilities, films, buildings and the friendliness and hospitality shown by all the guides. The enthusiasm is contagious. Thank you so much. I look forward to the opportunity to bring my family to Salt Lake City.
ISRAEL (Jewish) It was a very interesting presentation. It is the first time for me to hear about Jesus Christ, his beliefs and his actions.
NEW ZEALAND (Ratana) Fascinating and a tribute to the commitment and faith of the early pioneers, It has been an honor to visit.
NEW MEXICO (Methodist) Thank you! Your sincere love for Jesus Christ is very evident. You radiate the peace and love of his teachings.
ALABAMA (Baptist) I appreciate having had the opportunity to take this tour. I commend the young ladies who gave us the information, but most of all their sweet spirit which comes from Jesus Christ.
TEXAS (Atheist) Very interesting and touching tour.
CALIFORNIA (Catholic) Excellent tour, beautiful facility, the sister missionary did an outstanding job and it does make me want to learn more...
GERMANY (Evangelist) We were really pleased by the tour. It was a big bonus that the Sister was able to speak German.For more detailed information on the History of Temple Square please refer to "Angels on Temple Square" by Joyce K. Goodrich and Maurine E. Winters.

Friday, January 25, 2008

CALIFORNIA (No Religion Listed) We appreciate the individual attention and friendly reception that Temple Square gives its visitors regardless of faith.
SOUTH CAROLINA (Episcopal) I enjoyed being your guest today. The square is a beautiful example of the workings of your faith.
UNITED KINGDOM (No Religion Listed) Our guides gave us a great tour of Temple Square and brought light to our day and smile to our faces.
WASHINGTON (Catholic) Sister Lim was our tour guide this afternoon. We got a very thorough and thoughtful tour from her. This is a spectacular center for the Mormon religion.
TEXAS (Baptist) I enjoyed learning more about the Mormon Church and its scriptures. Our guide was most pleasant and inspiring.
WISCONSIN (Episcopal) Wonderful architecture, delightful tour.
NORTH CAROLINA (No Religion Listed) This place was beautiful and very Christ oriented. The missionaries were very helpful and had great information.

Other visitors come because of the famous Mormon Tabernacle Choir to enjoy their performances, especially Music and the Spoken Word broadcast. Among many other cultural events that draw people to Temple Square are: daily organ recitals, movies in the Legacy Theater, performances in the Conference Building, concerts on Temple Square.
Originally Temple Square was the Salt Lake Temple, the Mormon Tabernacle and Assembly Hall, as well as various monuments, statuary and North and South visitor centers. Recently The Church Office Building, The Relief Society Building, The Church Administration Building, The Conference Center, The Joseph Smith Memorial Building, The Lion House and The Beehive House, The Brigham Young Historic Park, The Family History Library, The Museum of Church History and Art were added and are included as a part of Temple Square Mission today. All together it is thirty-five acres of Temple Square in Salt Lake City.
The Salt Lake Temple is not opened to public. Exhibits and presentations in the South Visitors' Center explain why. You can stroll past meticulously maintained gardens and visit the rest of unique historical buildings There are many other places to visit from within walk distance of Temple Square itself. The Family History Library offers the largest collection of genealogy records in the world. The Museum of Church History and Art has four rotating exhibits and several permanent displays, the Eagle Gate are the main attractions.
This blog will unfold a unique character and history of this place and describe many experiences that people enjoyed here. That way you too will experience, in part, what is experienced be visitors to beautiful Temple Square.