Sunday, May 11, 2008



To each of you mothers...and a reminder to be sure to thank your own mother and express your love for her and for all she has done for you.

To be a mother is a noble calling and one of life's greatest blessings is to have a good mother. Mother's Day gives us the opportunity to honor our mothers and to reflect on our family life as a child. We can express our gratitude for those women who have made a profound difference in our lives....who have nurtured us and sacrificed to make our lives better. I am always happy for new mothers, but most of all for that precious baby who has come to a good home where they will receive the most loving care.

Recently, our grand-daughter, Staci Larsen, had a new baby girl...she wrote: There's nothing like the feeling of having a new baby in our home." What a great blessing for the baby coming to that home, and to have such a good mother.

We have had some beautiful entries to the request for tributes to mothers. Following are excerpts from them:

Nicole Luscher writes,

To my Mom:

Mothers are a cherished gift from God; a chosen steward over His beloved earthly children. Our Father in Heaven bestowed this divine responsibility to the most precious of His children. He understood well the hardships and happiness of parenting and blessed each of His daughters with unique divine gifts and talents; the capacity to love and to forgive, to teach and to learn, and to lead and to follow.

My mother is a very special person, chosen and prepared by our Heavenly Father to teach and nurture our family here on earth. Her greatest divine gift is the gift of unconditional love, and her ability to portray that love in magnificent ways to those she surrounds herself with. She has unselfishly and willingly showed her love to each member of our family. It was through her actions and quiet example that I first understood the love of God.

I felt it at a time in my life when I needed it most, when I was struggling to understand who I was as a child of God. She gently took me by the hand and we sat together as she tearfully read from her journal the feelings that she had when she held me for the first time.

I see it each day in service and sacrifice, helping others perform daily tasks that are unable to do so, and easing the burdens of her friends and family by sharing their hardships.

Each time I pray I thank my Father in Heaven for the little piece of heaven that He has shown me and pray for her that she too may know how much she is loved and appreciated.

I love you.

Shanon Stimpson writes

From the first of her children to the youngest, my mother worked with all the diligence and faith of her might, mind, and strength, and her heart to ensure their lives would be guided in such a manner that would lead them to achieve their goals.

She nurtured them with love and compassion.
She taught them and led them by example in principles and values of every virtue.
Above all she taught them to love their Father in Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ, to seek them through prayer and scripture study and trust them in all things, and to listen always for the still small voice of the Holy Ghost.

In my mother's live the word 'honesty' needs no modification. She lives the letter of the law with all the warmth and love of the spirit of the law. She continues to strive to be faithful in all things as a living example to her six children and now her grandchildren. In the smile you see on her face, you can see the happiness that is alive in her heart. She wishes to share each precious moment...just with you.

Marie Adams writes

I am so thankful to have such a wonderful mother. She has always been the best example to me. She is a person who always thinks of others.

The #1 person in her life is my Dad, and she has always been his biggest cheerleader. She has always cared about her family first. Yet, my parents have always brought other people into our home to live when they needed help. When me and my brother, the oldest two in the family were in grade school my Mom taught school. When we got home from school and she wasn't there yet we hated it. We wanted her home! So after a year or so of teaching, she did stay home.

I think back on that and how selfish we were as kids, but it was wonderful to have our Mom at home and all of our friends loved coming to visit there.

I want to say 'Happy Mother's Day' to the world's best Mom.

Marcia Stauffer writes

How grateful I am to have such a wonderful mother! (Lily Jean Lott)

My mother taught me by example. She showed me by the way she lived who I should try to be.
My mother is strong.
Physically - she was never afraid of hard work, and she had us work alongside her.
Emotionally - disappointments, health issues, family disruptions, she faced them without faltering.
Spiritually - she is the support in the background that allows others to shine.

She has supported Dad in his callings without complaint at the added responsibilities. Her faith is strong and deep. Right and wrong are black and white.

My mother is intelligent. She taught us the value of knowledge and education and the importance of being well-read.
My mother chose a wonderful partner (my father) and showed me how important it is to choose wisely (I did!).
My mother is a wonderful grandmother. She is loving and supportive of each grandchild.

Nothing is more important to her than her family.

I guess my mother is STILL teaching me by example and showing me the person I want to become.
Love you Mom!

Michael Ellett writes

My mother...Who is she?

She is a jar of fresh sweet peaches under the shade of a pine tree.
She is a bottle of dilly beans or dill pickles that grandkids open and eat in one sitting.
She is the slice of thick cut homemade bread with heavy melted butter.
She is a cinnamon roll heavy laden with icing and a cold glass of milk.
She is the one that wraps you so tight and holds, rocks and whispers a lullaby until you
fall asleep.
She is the one that packed lunch at 4:30 in the morning and provided breakfast for you
before going off to hunt deer on that special opening day of the season.
She is the hands rough from a day's work, but tender as bunny's fur as she cups your
face in her hands and gives you a kiss on the cheek.

Kristina Law writes,

Happy Mother's day mom! I love you and I am so grateful that you are my mother. You are amazing and I hope to share all the wonderful things of my life with you forever.

Love you.

With love to each of you....Maurine Winters

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