This month we ponder the influence of a great man. He was such a humble, sweet, kind man. He never drew attention to himself, but was always hard at work to extend a helping hand to improve the station of all men. He worked tirelessly to further the teachings of Jesus Christ and to make it possible for men everywhere to enjoy the blessings of the gospel. He was certainly a worthy example to each of us of what one man can be when he dedicates his life to doing good.
We are saddened at his passing, but so grateful for life's lessons he passed on to us during his time here on earth. President Hinckley was sustained as member of the twelve apostles in 1961. In 1995 he was sustained the prophet and seer of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
During the years of being a general authority he visited wards and branches around the world. He directed the building of numerous ward and stake buildings throughout the earth. He dedicated the remodeled Hotel Utah into the Joseph Smith Memorial Building and several other buildings at the campuses of BYU in Provo, Utah, BYUI in Rexburg, Idaho, and BYUH in Laie, Hawaii. President Hinckley has directed the building of and dedication of 85 new temples. He directed and dedicated the Conference Center in Salt Lake City, Utah to house church conferences and other special programs offering seating for 21,000 people to attend.
His vision inspired the creation of LDS Charities, the humanitarian effort for the church, and set up the Perpetual Education Fund which helps students in poorer countries or circumstances to obtain an education. He directed the translation of the Book of Mormon into many languages and the temple ceremonies for use in the new temples that dot the earth.
He was honored at the White House and received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Bush in June of 2005. He has received nine honorary Doctorate degrees from universities and has written the books: "Standing for Something", "Stand a Little Taller", and "Way to Be". There have been several books written about his teachings including his biography. He has indeed been a wonderful prophet, a man who we would all do well to follow and live according to his teachings so we can return with honor ourselves to our Heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ.
Following is a poem tribute to our beloved prophet:
A funeral is a special time, a meeting of the heart.
We feel closer to the one now gone and desire to remember their part.
President Hinckley has gone home to dwell with our Father in Heaven dear.
But, today our thoughts are drawn to him, for surely we'll miss him here.
He was a prophet, husband, father, grandfather, and friend.
We've traveled along thinking that his time with us would never end.
President Hinckley worked hard to achieve his goals, to meet the challenge of earth,the things he stood for and cared for, are proof of his great worth.
He was quiet and gentle, so considerate and kind,a better friend and associate would be very hard to find.
We enjoyed so many blessings because of him, appreciated them every one.
Did we tell him how much he meant to us, how grateful we are for what he has done?
Our memories are clear today and if they should ever grow dim.
We'll go to our nearby temple and focus them right back in.
We wouldn't have one so close and be able to go so easily during the year, if it weren't for his vision and working to provide for them here.
The 'Proclamation to the Family'came out at just the right time,when families were being attacked, his wisdom helped clarify and define.
Yes, we knew the debate was over, whenever the Prophet spoke.
He taught great truths in simplified language easily understood by all folk.
Because of him and other modern prophets, we know revelation is not dead.
He counseled us as he received inspiration from Jesus Christ, our living head.
We're so grateful for all he said and did, his life we'll truly treasure,and hope to draw closer to our Savior, as we live out our life's measure.
President Hinckley traveled the world over, for encouragement and succor to give,and his influence will be felt on this earth for as long as man shall live.
He now stands in the courts on high with prophets of old and modern day.
Our own Sister Samoa is probably singing with the angels to welcome him today.
Heavenly Father today we entrust our beloved prophet to you to receive peace and rest.
We miss him already and love him so much, we pray he'll be eternally blessed.
We thank Heavenly Father for Gordon B. Hinckley's life and for the memories we treasure still clear.
We pray that he will know of our special love for him as our prophet through these past years.
The funeral for President Hinckley will be broadcst Saturday, February 2nd, 2008 at 11:00 am mountain standard time from the BYU channel and from all church satellite systems. I hope you can all participate.
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