Saturday, May 31, 2008


During the past winter my daughter, Mindi, coached a high school basketball team. Her father, having been a coach for many years, offered her advice on every occasion he could. He would generally start out the conversation with "Mindi, I have the key for your game this week".

Then he would go on to tell
her what she needed to improve on or help the girls do so they could be successful. It became a point of humor in the family as we would gather for different occasions and the last part of the season.

She would say, "Okay,
Dad, what is the key this week?" Then one night as we were attending an-other school function, a few of Mindi's team members were sitting behind us and one of them leaned forward and asked, "Mr. Winters, what is the key for us this week?" In thinking about keys for different things, I was struck with the fact that it is important that we have the keys for whatever goal we are pursuing.

Keys are necessary if we expect to open the locks, and open the doors to achieve success.

It is my testimony that the Church of Jesus Christ of LDS is successful because the Priesthood is here on the earth which holds all the keys for our success throughout eternity of which this earthly experience is a part.

Those who hold the Priesthood hold the keys to all of the ordinances that need to be performed. Joseph Smith and his associates received the keys for the Aaronic and Melchizedec Priesthoods from John the Baptist,

Peter, James, & John and they have been carefully handed down to the present Prophet, Thomas S. Monson and his associates: the members of the First Presidency and the Twelve Apostles in order to carry out all of the functions necessary for the church to go forward toward its goal, that of preparing for the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Baptism is the key to entering the kingdom of God on the earth and in heaven. Following baptism we receive the confirmation of the Holy Ghost...another key to help us in continuing our journey as a Latter Day Saint. Entering the temple is another key as we receive our endowments and make sacred promises to the Lord.

There are blessings surrounding every step we take. Education is an important key in order to live a productive life and be able to be of service to others.

There are keys necessary for us to observe in order to be successful in our day to day affairs.

One key I like is an acronym: JOY

J - Jesus first, O - others second, Y - yourself last.

President Hinckley gave the youth some keys when he told them how to be:
He counseled them to (1) Be grateful, (2) Be smart, (3) Be humble, (4) Be true, (5) Be clean, (6) Be prayerful.

Wilfred Peterson wrote the Art of Growing Up. His keys are wonderfully written to give us a guide for being successful. He says UP is the magic word of growth. Use it as a key in growing into the person you want to be.

Get up - in the morning with the determination to make the most of your day.

Step up - to each task with enthusiasm and dedication.

Stand up - to your problems and difficulties. Face them and lick them.

Think up - There is an upper level in your mind, live in that.

Keep up - It is easier to keep up than catch up with duties.

Brace up -Tighten your belt and keep moving forward even when the going gets tough.

Cheer up - The worst thing that can happen to you can be the best thing that can happen to you if you don't let it get the best of you.

Climb up - The ladder of success reaches upward rung by rung,but you must do the climbing.

Stretch up - Stretch your hand to others. Remember that he climbs highest who helps another up.
Measure up - Much is required of you today. Meet the challenge of the times by doing your full share for the common good.

Bounce up - When you fall down, bounce up. Everyone fails and falls down now and then. Quitters just lie there. Heroes have bounce.

Look up - Remember the words of the Psalmist: "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help." Look to God for inspiration and guidance.

Reach up -Keep stretching your mind and spirit. Don't wait to become a great one now.

Live up - Live to the highest and the best you know. Consider how a tree lifts its branches to the sky.

The only way to grow is UP.

My prayer this month is that we all recognize keys that will help unlock the doors to successful living. That we may receive the blessings Heavenly Father has for us by enjoying the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

With love to each of you, Maurine Winters

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