Friday, May 1, 2009

April news...


In reading a novel this winter there was quite a lengthy discussion about aging. In the story the thought was that when we are young we think about things in the future. We plan and prepare and look forward to what is to come. Then there is a natural flow of the future and what is past in ones life as we reach middle age. When we are in the old age bracket our thoughts turn more often than not to the past and to thinking of how things were and what we did when we were young. The young rarely if ever think of when they will be may cross the minds of the middle aged now and then...but in old age just so not to occupy all of ones thoughts about how old one is...thoughts turn to what is past and we enjoy thinking of past achievements, past relationships, past joys and to enjoying the memories or not according to the file of experiences had.

When we are young we are usually pretty confident that we can jump any hurdle. As we grow older, experience along with education helps to keep that feeling alive. It is still pretty easy to carry along with the expectation that we CAN DO IT! Then all of a sudden we turn 70 years old and the memory isn't as good as it used to be, we can't run or even walk as far as we used to be able to. Many things we did easily become a chore and time flies by so quickly that the things we plan to do just don't get done in the time frame we had planned. The aches and pains start to become a daily part of our life and deciding what we can and cannot live with becomes a part of our thought processes. Now I know that most of you can't relate to this... but I want to warn you that it will come way too fast. It sort of sneaks up on you and one day you find that you are part of the old age are now where your grandparents should be. You will just turn around and then your children will be grown up and off on their own. The next time you turn around the grandchildren will be grown up and out on their own doing their own thing. The phrase "take time to smell the roses" is not just a meaningless phrase. It is so true...just take time to look into the eyes of your children each day and listen to their thoughts and ideas about what is going on. Take time for your grandchildren...even if it means sitting on a hard bleacher for hours to watch and cheer for them in a baseball game or some other activity they are involved in. It will pay great dividends for them and for you.

Most of you who read this newsletter are in the young category and will be thinking of things in the future and dwelling on what you can do to make it better for you and those you love. At my age...I have some advice. Let today today the best you can! In an article written by Fern Hughes Hunt she says among other things the following. (1) Today, I will open the windows of my heart and release the love that dwells within, sharing it's warmth with all I come in contact with. (2) Today, I will do something good for someone, I will be more thoughtful, patient, and cheerful. (3) Today, I will replace all fear with faith, all despair with hope, all weakness with courage and all idleness with purpose. (4) Today, I will give thanks to God for this life, and seek His guidance that I might know the promise of everlasting peace and happiness as tomorrow brings forth Life Eternal". These are some of the things we might try to do each day so that the end will be better than the beginning. As you look back and relive the past through memory lane, you will feel good about all you were able to do and be grateful for your time on earth.

Bob and I are taking a trip to celebrate our 50th anniversary and will be out of the country for the first part of I'm sending this newsletter off early. When I return I will send a full report of our days away from home. I love each of you and think of you as I send this letter. May Heavenly Father bless you in all you do.
Love, Maurine Winters

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