Sunday, March 23, 2008

He is Risen!

The following are excerpts from the Easter Sunday past talks given by Lloyd D. Newell for the Spoken Word.

"He is risen and what of us? The great glad tidings of Easter proclaim, "He is risen!" Throughout the Christian world, bells ring joyously and congregations sing the good word 'Christ the Lord is risen today!'

Perhaps amid the solemn festivities, we might pause to ask: 'And what of us?' Have we risen to a fullness of joy in the Easter message? The blessings that arise from the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ are many. But some in particular swell faithful hearts to overflowing. The resurrection of the Savior...and the promise that goes with it, calms the haunting fear of death that all mankind experiences. Believers accept the words of Jesus Christ, who said, 'I am the resurrection, and the life, he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.' The apostle Paul explained this truth carefully in his epistle to the faithful of Corinth; 'For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.'

Because of the resurrection, all humanity shall one day arise from death, even as Jesus rose from His tomb two thousand years ago. It is not only the assurance of everlasting life in the hereafter which brings joy. In the here and now, the Atonement gives hope, day by day, that men and women can conquer inner weaknesses and failings to become whole and happy...

...President Gordon B. Hinckley said of the resurrection; 'As surely as there has been mortal death, there will be immortal life; and as certainly as there has been separation, there will be reunion. This is the faith which comes of Christ, who brought to all the promise of immortality.
With this promise comes the assurance that each one of us born into this mortal realm will one day receive the blessings of an immortal soul, as our spirit and body are reunited through the miracle of the resurrection. And combined with this miracle is the even greater gift given to all who seek to know the will of God and who then strive to live by His words, the promise of His atonement and the richness of eternal life. Such are the miracles attested to by a solitary angel who stood before an empty tomb and declared; He is not here, He is risen".

Because we are Christians, we celebrate Christ's birth and are reminded of the truths He taught and the life He lived. The message most comforting is that after His crucifixion He was resurrected. The divine assurance comes from the words in the scriptures "He is not here, He is risen!". The prophets have taught it and we know it to be true that because our Savior shall we...even after death in this part of our eternal life.

It is such a privilege to have the gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives. It is wonderful to know the great plan of salvation...of happiness. As we enjoy the Easter season and think of the meaning of the Savior's life and what it brings to our lives, it follows that we need to open our mouths to share the gospel with every brother and sister we are associated with who aren't members of His church here on earth today.

At this beautiful time of the year. At the beginning of the renewal of the earth in our hemisphere and as we celebrate the resurrection of the Savior, let's each count our blessings and plan how we can share the gospel with someone. We need to hasten the second coming of Jesus Christ by spreading His gospel.

With this note, we send our love and good wishes to you at this Easter time.

Love Maurine Winters and Kristina Law.

Saturday, March 1, 2008


Again this month I would like to ponder the influence of a great prophet, President Gordon B. Hinckley. He was such a humble, sweet, kind man. He never drew attention to himself, but was always hard at work to extend a helping hand to improve the station of all men. He worked tirelessly to further the teachings of Jesus Christ and to make it possible for men everywhere to enjoy the blessings of the gospel. He was certainly a worthy example to each of us of what ONE man can be when he dedicates his life to doing good. We are so grateful for life's lessons he passed on during his time here on earth.

Think also of Joseph Smith. What ONE good man can do when he puts himself in the Lord's hands. Especially if he stays the course of what he has been commissioned to do. As the first prophet of this dispensation he pressed on in spite of all the adversity he faced and now millions are indebted to him for their membership in the Church of Jesus Christ that was restored to the earth through him.

On Temple Square reaching the ONE is the purpose of each day. To share the gospel with ONE person is a worthy goal. Each sister prepares to speak boldly in sharing her testimony of the truths of the gospel with those she comes in contact with each day that she might touch at least ONE person and help bring them to Christ. Sister Gasper who is on Temple Square now sent an email telling about her experience with a couple who came with their son who was on his way to the MTC in Provo, Utah. They wanted to know more about this church their son had embraced and was willing to serve for two years as a missionary. She said how thrilling it was to explain the gospel principles to them and share along with their son why his desires had led him on this path.

As we consider "ONE" individual, it is interesting how many thoughts connect to the power of just one person. Since we are each one unique and a son or daughter of God it shouldn't surprise us how much power we actually have as ONE in our actions. We often think of ourselves as ordinary or even inadequate in our contribution to a group or even in our own family. However, there is ample evidence that each ONE of us is important to someone and more often than not to many people.

Heavenly Father loves each ONE Of us. We ponder that and think how can it be possible? There are so many millions of people on the earth today, it is unfathomable to think he is aware of each ONE. When a baby is born or when one person dies and you are in attendance at the birth of the death, it's believeable then. Yes, he is aware of each one and loves us each one. There is something very spiritual about birth and death and the Holy Spirit is there testifying that Jesus Christ loves each ONE. In looking through some of the papers I have collected over the years I came upon a series of thoughts about the ONE.

For this newsletter I would like to share some of them:

ONE, on God's side, is a majority - Wendell Phillips

I am only ONE, but still I am one; I cannot do everything, but still, I can do something, and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do - Edward Everett Hale

An institution is the lengthened shadow of ONE man - Ralph Waldo Emerson

No ONE saves us but ourselves; No ONE can and no ONE may; We ourselves must walk the path... teachers merely show the way. - Nancy Wilson Ross

If a teacher influences but ONE, his influence never stops. - Greek saying

Cry, curse, or call it unfair, but be grateful 'til the grave, that in this hurt you're the ONE who received and not the ONE who gave. - Carol Lynn Pearson

I do not ask for any crown, but that which all may win; nor try to conquer any world except the ONE within. Louisa May Alcott

The whole theory of the universe is directed unerringly to ONE single individual...namely to you. - Walt Whitman

An Indian Elder was teaching his two sons, he told them that inside each man lives two wolves; ONE is good, caring, grateful and loving, the other is evil, envious, angry and hateful. He stopped. Finally one of the sons asked, "Father, how shall we know which ONE will be dominant in us?" The Elder replied, "The ONE you feed." - author unknown

Inasmuch as ye have done it unto ONE Of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. - Matthew 25:40

A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love ONE another, as I have loved you, that ye also love ONE another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love ONE to another. - John 13:34,35

Isn't it thrilling that each ONE of us has the power to lead out and do something amazing in this life. We can accomplish something wonderful just by extending our care and concern to each one we come in contact with. We can be an influence for good. We can be the ONE to make a difference.

To each ONE of you who have made a difference in my life I send my thanks and my love.
Maurine Winters

*Photograph of Mt. Timpanogos Temple in Springtime Copyright (C) 2007 Jared Law All Rights Reserved